Friday, November 29, 2013


   I wasn't sure about all of this communicating with the dead business, but I was sure that I wanted to know our son was all right. We met the medium and settled in for our session. I was prepared to be very skeptical about the whole thing, which I'm sure colored how I received her first few comments. I won't go into the details of what we were told, but I heard enough things from the medium to begin to change my mind about the validity of this whole process. She was telling us things that she could not possibly have known from any other source except if she was talking directly to our son-details about our family, what kind of person Curtis was, what our house was like, what our family was like. I know many people say that with the internet people can find out just about anything they want to know about people nowadays, but this was information that no one else outside our immediate family could have possibly known. I thought later that maybe I heard things the way I wanted to hear them, since I was so desperate to hear positive information about my son, but since the session was recorded for us by the medium I have been able to listen to the tape several times over the years. I'm still amazed by what she was able to tell us, and I'm still convinced that she was communicating directly with our son. Once upon a time in my life I would never have been able to say that I believed in such things, but now it brings me comfort to know that my son is OK on the other side. If that makes me feeble-minded or a poor Christian, then so be it. The Bible itself is full of such kinds of stories. I don't know what has made modern society so arrogant as to think that  God could not or would not still choose to communicate with His people in this way and give this special ability to some of His children.

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