Thursday, June 20, 2013

   After what seemed like hours, but was probably closer to 10 minutes, we finally arrived at the hospital. We wanted to rush inside, but again the officer and the chaplain delayed us and kept us standing outside the ambulance entrance to the emergency room for several more minutes. We were told that the ER personnel were not ready to let us in yet. The officer went inside while the chaplain kept us outside on the sidewalk. The chaplain did his best to engage us in small talk while simultaneously trying to provide us with comfort and hope, but as I realized later, he was careful not to really tell us anything about our son or the accident. After several more minutes had passed we were growing more and more agitated and impatient. We wanted to know what was happening with our son! Why were they not helping us? What were they trying not to tell us? We both feared we knew the answer to that question.

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